This was another writing exercise in class. We started to write a poem about a National Enquirer article, then we were given a secret from a classmate (random) and fuse that in with the story.
Jimmy Swaggart's love for God is evident as he gives his hand to the woman on the floor who begs for her sins to be forgiven. He cries with her, prays with her, then leaves the stage.
Cannot do it anymore. His sex scandal has wiped his credibility out the window. But the paraplegic didn't say no, so it wasn't rape; it was fine. Right?
But Jimmy again uses this to his advantage. "I have sinned as you have sinned! Now there is nothing between us. Only JEsus Christ, the ONE son of God, is free from sin! He wipes a tear with his hankerchief.
The phone rings with a credit card number. Collection plates are passed around. Even more money is given to the Church because Jimmy came out straight with his followers.
Jesus's followers?
So life at home is great. His family and he in a 3 story house with a car for each; even those under 16.
It pays to work for the Lord.
He goes for a soak in the hot tub. All that preachin' can wear a man out. The bubbles burst on his skin like boils. Feels so good.. Gettin' right with the Lord. The margurita in his hands is cold and smooth on his throat. He is at peace with his life.
But all will change in a few short hours. Because while being honest with your church will bring kudos to your wallet, you haven't been that honest now were you Jimmy?
because the whole truth is that Jimmy is still a virgin. Oh yes! Your sex scandals were a scandal weren't they? That poor paraplegic. Thinking she got the best sex of her life. No. the dildo you used worked wonders didn't it?
Your wife. Your...child? The dildo worked on her too, but how to explain your daughter? Paternity tests. oh yes. All of your best friends. the Church requires urine drug tests after the debacle with Tammy Faye. So you creeped in like mouse and took all. Took one from your baby girl. oh yes.
and now.
you wait.
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